
Jerusalem in Depth 5 Days 4 Nights

Guaranteed departure Wednesday and Thursday


    Arrival transfer from Ben Gurion Airport to Jerusalem.
    Departure transfer from Jerusalem    to Ben Gurion Airport.
    Hotel accommodation in Jerusalem 4 Nights Bed and Breakfast.
    2 Days of Regular excursions with a Spanish-speaking guide.
    Transfers with English-speaking driver.
    Tickets for the following places “Israel Museum”

Jerusalem in Depth 5 Days 4 Nights


    Guide and driver during the free day.
    Mandatory tips for the guide, driver or hotel staff. €10 per person per tour.
    Extras or any point not mentioned.

Jerusalem in Depth 5 Days 4 Nights


Llegada al Aeropuerto BenGurión.Traslado a su hotel en Jerusalén y alojamiento.

Día Libre en Jerusalén.Posibilidad de hacer una excursión opcional a Masada & el Mar Muerto. Alojamiento en Jerusalén.

Salida hacia la parte moderna de la ciudad para visitar el Santuario del Libro en el Museo de Israel donde se encuentran los Manuscritos del Mar Muerto y la Maqueta de Jerusalén Herodiana. Visitas a Yad Vashem, museo recordatorio del Holocausto y al barrio de Ein Karem, donde se  encuentran  las Iglesias  de  San  Juan  Bautista  y  de  la Visitación. Por la tarde visita a la Basílica y Gruta de la Natividad y al Campo de los Pastores en Belén. Alojamiento en Jerusalén.

Salida vía Monte Scopus hacia el Monte de los Olivos para apreciar una magnifica vista panorámica de la ciudad. Visita del Huerto de Getsemaní y de la Basílica de la Agonía. Salida hacia la ciudad antigua de Jerusalén  para  conocer  el  Muro  de  los Lamentos, vista de la Explanada del Templo*, visita de la Vía Dolorosa y de la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro. Continuación hacia el Monte Sion donde se encuentran la Tumba del Rey David, el Cenáculo y la Abadía de la Dormición. Alojamiento en Jerusalén.

Traslado al Aeropuerto Ben Gurión para la partida.


Terms and Conditions:
Dinners are subject to availability according to the confirmed hotel. There are hotels that do not offer dinners.
Dinners can be at the hotel or at a local restaurant without prior notice.
Lunches cannot be offered as the Tour is Regular.
The supplement for the Optional Tour to Massada and the Dead Sea is $150 per person.
The Itinerary is subject to change.
Our offer is valid from 04 January 2023 - 22 February 2024 with arrivals only on Wednesdays & Thursdays and would be subject to availability when booking.
O.S Tours has the right not to offer services during high season.
The Tour does not operate during September 24 - 25, 2023 due to the Yom Kippur holiday.
Check in at hotels on Saturdays would be no earlier than 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

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The best time to visit a destination varies depending on the place. In general, spring and autumn are often the most pleasant seasons for travel, as they allow you to avoid crowds and extreme weather conditions.

The best time to travel to warm climate destinations, such as the Caribbean or Southeast Asia, is usually during the dry season, which typically runs from November to April. Avoid the rainy season to enjoy more favorable conditions.

To prevent health problems during international travel, consult a doctor before the trip, check if you need vaccinations, carry a first aid kit, and follow local recommendations for safe food and water.

Pack suitable clothing for the weather, don't forget essentials like medications and chargers, and use compression bags to save space. Make a list and plan ahead.




Use a secure bag or waist pouch, don't carry too much cash, keep your important documents in a safe place, and consider getting travel insurance that covers theft or loss.




Interact with locals, try local food, attend cultural events, and respect local customs and traditions. Learning some basic phrases in the local language can also be helpful for communication and making meaningful connections.

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